Kudo Teknologi Indonesia. Kudo merupakan perusahaan online to offline yang memfasilitasi masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia untuk berjualan dalam perusahaan kudo memiliki dua bagian yaitu tekologi dan bisnis bisnis berfokus pada penjualan kerjasama dengan vendor sedangkan teknologi untuk memudahkan team bisnis mencapai tujuan dengan berbagai metode Kudo memiliki team.
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Worked at PT Kudo Teknologi Indonesia Eka Wijayanti Content Manager • 5 years Content writer with over four years’ experience Muhammad Rifqi A SEO Specialist Worked at PT Kudo Teknologi Indonesia Arief Ismaidi Product Manager • 4 years Arief Ismaidi holds a BA in Computer Science whose leadership experience has brought him to be a risk taker idea.
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KUDOS IS your RESPONSIVE RESPONSIBLE RELIABLE partner in “new normal” we are your “omnidisciplinary” experience builder & communication company we do ONGROUND ONLINE & HYBRID EVENTS as well as DIGITAL CONTENTS for COMMERCIAL & INFORMATION CORPORATE & ORGANIZATION and MULTIMEDIA we are your unforgettable unrepeatable resonating.
Profil Perusahaan PT. Kudo Teknologi Indonesia
PDF file in Kudo PT Kudo Teknologi Indonesia Thank You cre 1tng so reating omethin an sustaina t Ing n cre te a big tnpac that the Terraform STF presto penta O AkÑiME SQL Runscope! AS SENTRY fabnc VividCortex DB mongo amazon web servicey wen our agem positive impact Jadi pengemudi dapat jutaan aja! Proses mudah _dancepat Gmb I kuèlo PEMø • PEMB PEME •.
Kochava Media Index Kudo Pt Kudo Teknologi Indonesia
1 1 97% 97% rate salary as high or average 92% 92% employees recommend this employer to friends Your trust is our main concern so these ratings for PT Kudo Teknologi Indonesia are shared ‘as is’ from employees in line with our community guidelines View more info.
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