Miope In Inglese. miope 1 agg shortsighted myopic frm (fig) shortsighted 2 sm/f myopic o shortsighted person Translation Italian English Collins Dictionary See also mio miopia minore MI ” miope ” examples and translations in context.
Miopia Lieve Moderata O Elevata Cosa Fare E Correzione Issalute from issalute.it
una agenda polí tica miope” [] narrow political agenda [] este enfoque es demas iado miope [] approa ch is too shortsighted En esta línea Europa necesita revisar una estrategia local y regi onal miope Europe too needs to reexamine its shortsighted local and region al strategy.
miope Translation into English examples Italian Reverso
Las personas miopes pueden ver claramente de cerca pero de lejos ven borrosoMyopic patients can see clearly at near but their distance vision is blurry 2 A phrase used as a figure of speech or a word that is symbolic in meaning metaphorical (eg carrot bean) (figurative).
miope Dizionario italianoinglese WordReference
Inglese miope agg aggettivo Descrive o specifica un sostantivo “Una persona fidata” “Con un cacciavite piccolo” “Questioni controverse” (vista) (mostly US) nearsighted adj adjective Describes a noun or pronounfor example “a tall girl” “an interesting book” “a big house” (UK).
Miopia Lieve Moderata O Elevata Cosa Fare E Correzione Issalute
to English Translation Miope Spanish SpanishDict
miope translation in English ItalianEnglish dictionary
miope English translation – Linguee
narrowminded blinkered short sighted shortterm Other translations È un'impostazione miope su cosa dovremmo fare It is a very shortsighted focus on what we should be doing Sei miope e ossessionato tanto quanto Shredder You're just as shortsighted and obsessed as Shredder.