Monaco Area Code. Country Code +377 International Exit Code 00 Continent Europa Area 2 km 2 Population 32965 Currency Euro Capital Monaco.
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Monaco Area Code and Monaco Country Code
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OverviewHistoryGovernmentGeographyClimateEconomyPopulationReligionMonaco’s name comes from the nearby 6thcentury BCE Phocaean Greek colony Referred to by the Ligurians as Monoikos from the Greek “μόνοικος” “single house” from “μόνος” (monos) “alone single” + “οἶκος” (oikos) “house” According to an ancient myth Herculespassed through the Monaco area and turned away the previous gods As a result a temple was constructed there Because this ” Text under.
Monaco Dial Codes City dialing codes for Monaco (MC
Monaco cities and cellular phone codes all the useful information on Monaco telephone numbers cities phone codes mobile operators codes emergency phone numbers and Monaco dialling rules.
Country Code 377 Country Code 00377 377 Area Code Lookup 377
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How to Call From United States To Monaco Area Code Help
How to call Monaco: country code, area codes, phone books
International dialing codes to Monaco – Monaco
Call Monaco from The USA How to Monaco Country Code
How to Call Monaco From United States Calling Monaco
Monaco Area Phone Codes
STD & Monaco Area Codes Telephone Area Codes Monaco
Monaco Wikipedia
Monaco Post Codes World Postal Code
Dial 011 + 377 + Area Code + Local Phone Number 011 is the International Prefix used to dial out of United States 377 is the Country Code to dial into Monaco Location.