Strocain P. StrocainP Composition 400 mg Polimigel (Co precipitate Alumunium Hidroksida Magnesium Carbonat Calcium Carbonat ) Indications Reduce symptoms relating to the hyper acidity gastric acid gastric ulcer gastritis peptic duodenum with symptoms such as nausea stomach pain heartburn pain feeling full in the stomach.
Original Strocain P 400 Mg Per Box Shopee Co Id Inkuiri Com from Original Strocain P 400 mg per box …
STROCAIN P merupakan obat yang digunakan untuk mengatasi kelebihan asam lambung ulkus lambung usus 12 jari dengan gejala seperti mual heartburn dan kembung Obat ini mengandung Alumunium Hidroksida Magnesium Carbonat dan Calcium Carbonat.
Obat Strocain P Dosis, Pemakaian, Efek Samping
Depending on the reaction of the Strocain P after taken if you are feeling dizziness drowsiness or any weakness as a reaction on your body Then consider Strocain P not safe to drive or operate heavy machine after consumption.
Strocain P drug & pharmaceuticals. Available Forms, Doses, Prices
Strocain Tablet is used for inflammation of lining of the stomach peptic ulcer heartburn during pregnancy and other conditions.
STROCAIN P TABLET Manfaat, Dosis, Efek Samping K
Strocain P Tablet is used for Anaesthesia Anesthesia and other conditions Strocain P Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide 5/5 (1).
Original Strocain P 400 Mg Per Box Shopee Co Id Inkuiri Com
Strocain P Tablet Product
StrocainP Eisai
Strocain Tablet Product
mg 10 Tablet Kegunaan, Efek Strocain P 400 Samping, Dosis
Strocain P untuk membantu mengatasi masalah saluran pencernaan pada lambung seperti hiperasiditas (lambung terlalu banyak produksi asam dalam lambung) tukak lambung (luka yang muncul pada dinding lambung akibat terkikisnya lapisan dinding lambung yang disebabkan oleh asam) gastritis (lapisan lambung mengalami iritasi peradangan atau pengikisan ) kembung dam nyeri perut.